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Change the form of narration:     

1. HSLC - 1998
    (i) Arun said, "I do not know this boy.”
    Ans:- Arun said that he didn't know that boy.
   (ii) I asked the boy if he had answered all the questions.
    Ans:- I said, "Have you answered all the questions?"

2. HSLC - 1999
    (i) "I made some money yesterday", Anil said.
    Ans:- Anil said that he had made some money the day before.
   (ii) Raju told me that he would meet me the next day.
    Ans:- Raju said to me, "I shall meet you tomorrow."

3. HSLC - 2000
    (i) Anita said to Ravi, "Please lend me your pen."
    Ans:- Anita requested Ravi to lend her his pen.
   (ii) The boy told me that his father would meet me soon.
    Ans:- The boy said to me, "My father will meet you soon."

4. HSLC - 2001
    (i) He said to me, "Lend me your book for today."
    Ans:- He requested me to lend him my book for that day.
     (ii) He said to me, "You will be tired before you arrive."
    Ans:- He told me that I would be tired before I arrived.
    (iii) Ram asked me if I had a car.
Ans:-Ram said to me, "Do you have a car?"
   (iv)The old man wished that I might be happy.
Ans:-The old man said, "May you be happy."

5. HSLC - 2002
(i) He said to me, "When did you buy this books? "
Ans:-He asked me when I had bought that book.
    (ii) I said, "I bought it yesterday."
Ans:-I said that I had bought that the day before.
    (iii) Ravi thanked me for my help.
Ans:-Ravi said to me, "Thank you for your help."
   (iv)The old man prayed that God might help me.
Ans:-The old man said, "May God help you."

6. HSLC - 2003
    (i) Mohan said to Hari , "Can I borrow a hundred rupees from you?"
Ans:-Mohan asked Hari if he could borrow a hundred rupees from him.
    (ii) Hari replied that he had no money to lend him.
Ans:-Hari said, " I have no money to lend you".
    (iii) " Can you ride a bicycle?" Anil said.
Ans:-Anil asked if he could ride a bicycle.
    (iv)The teacher said, "The earth is round."
Ans:-The teacher said that the earth is round.

7. HSLC - 2004
    (i) The teacher said to me, "Don't neglect your studies."
Ans:-The teacher told me not to neglect my studies.
    (ii) The doctor said to her, "Can you buy the medicines?"
Ans:-The doctor asked her if she could buy the medicines.
    (iii) The headmaster asked me who I was.
Ans:-The headmaster said to me, "Who are you? "
   (iv)He told his wife that he might be late.
Ans:-He said to his wife, "I may be late."

8. HSLC - 2005
    (i) "I made some money yesterday." He said to Hari.
Ans:-He told Hari that he had made some money the day before.
   (ii) Mohan said that he goes for a walk every morning.
Ans:-Mohan said, "I go for a walk every morning".

9. HSLC - 2006
    (i) The boy said, "Sir, please explain the poem once more".
Ans:-The boy requested the teacher to explain the poem once  more.
    (ii) The teacher said that he would do that the next day.
Ans:-The teacher said, "I shall do this tomorrow".

10. HSLC - 2007
    (i) He said to them, "Good bye, my friends!"
Ans:-He addressed them as his friends and wished them good bye.
   (ii) I said to her, "Do you want my help?"
Ans:-I asked her if she wanted my help.

11. HSLC - 2008
    (i) The teacher said, "Honesty is the best policy."
Ans:-The teacher said that honesty is the best policy.
   (ii) Anita said, "I do not know the boy".
Ans:-Anita said that she did not the boy.

12. HSLC - 2009
    (i) The lady said to the man, "I didn't know you".
Ans:-The lady told the man that she hadn't known him.
   (ii) She asked him to keep quiet.
Ans:-She said to him, "Keep quiet".

13. HSLC - 2010
    (a) The lady said to me, "I will tell you my story".
Ans:-The lady told me that she would tell me her story.
    (b) I told her that I had no time for that.
Ans:-I said to her, "I have no time for this".

14. HSLC - 2011
    (a) The mechanic said, "I will repair your car tomorrow".
Ans:-The mechanic said that he would repair his car the next day.
    (b) The teacher enquired of the pupil if he had done his homework.
Ans:-The teacher said to the pupil, "Have you done your homework?"

15. HSLC - 2012
    (a) He said, "Honesty is the best policy".
Ans:-He said that honesty is the best policy.
    (b) He said that he takes bath in the Brahmaputra every morning.
Ans:-He said, "I take bath in the Brahmaputra every morning".

16. HSLC - 2013
    (a) She said, "The water is boiling".
Ans:-She said that the water was boiling.
    (b) Mira said that her mother had been suffering from fever.
Ans:-Mira said, "My mother has been suffering from fever".

17. HSLC - 2014
    (a) He told her not to disturb him.
Ans:-He said to her, "Do not disturb me".
  (b) Mother said to me, "Don't tell a lie".
Ans:-Mother told me not to tell a lie.

18. HSLC - 2015
    (a) "What a beautiful building!" he said.
Ans:-He exclaimed with surprised that the building was very beautiful.
   (b) She proposed that we should go for a walk.
Ans:-She said, "Let's go for a walk"

19. HSLC - 2016
    (a) "Can you drive a car?" I said to Rahim.
Ans:-I asked Rahim if he could drive a car.
    b) The stranger asked me if I could tell him the way to the Post office.
Ans:-The stranger said to me, "Can you tell me the way to the post office?"

20. HSLC - 2017
    (a) Anita said, "I do not know the boy."
Ans:-Anita said that she did not the boy.
     (b) Rahim said that his mother had been suffering from fever.
Ans:-Rahim said, "My mother has been suffering from fever."

21. HSLC - 2018
    (a) Rahim said to me, "Do you know the man standing at the gate?"
Ans:-Rahim asked me if I knew the man standing at the gate.
     (b) The young man told me that he had come from Jorhat to work in Guwahati.
Ans:-The young man said to me, "I have come from Jorhat to work in Guwahati."

Click to read Other HSLC Question Answers of English Grammar:-                                                                 English Grammar


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অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ | সমাৰ্থক শব্দ | ASSAMESE SYNONYMS |

সমাৰ্থক শব্দ :  একেটা অৰ্থযুক্ত আন শব্দবোৰক সমাৰ্থক শব্দ বা প্ৰতিশব্দ বোলা হয়। অ অন্ত : অৱশেষ ,   শেষ ,   ইতি ,   মৃত্যু অৰ্জুন : পাৰ্থ , সব্যসাচী , ফাল্গুনী। অতি : অত্যন্ত , অধিক , পৰম। অগ্নি : জুই , অনল , বহ্নি। অনুৰাগ : আসক্তি , প্ৰেম। অন্ধকাৰ : তিমিৰ , আন্ধাৰ , নিশি। অমৰাপুৰী : স্বৰ্গ , দেৱলোক। অমৃত : সুধা , অমিয় , পীযুষ। অৰ্থ : টকা , সম্পদ , বিত্ত। অলংকাৰ : গহণা , আভৰণ । অসুৰ : দৈত্য , দানৱ । অসুখ : বেজাৰ ।   আ    আকাশ : অম্বৰ , গগণ , ব্যোম , শূণ্য। আতংক : ভয়, ভীতি। আত্মীয় : কুটুম , সম্বন্ধীয় মানুহ। আদৰ্শ : আৰ্হি, চানেকি। আদিম : প্ৰথম, প্ৰাচিন। আনন্দ : উল্লাস , ৰং , আমোদ , ধেমালি। আহত : আঘাত। আপোন : নিজ, আত্ম। আবেদন : দৰ্খাস্ত , নিৱেদন। আৰাও : মাত , চিঞৰ। আৰ্হি : চানেকি, আদৰ্শ। আৱিৰ্ভূত : প্ৰকাশিত, অৱতীৰ্ণ। আৱেগ : ব্যাকুলতা, ব্যগ্ৰতা।   ই      ইচ্ছা : বাঞ্ছা , স্পৃহা , অনুৰোধ । ইন্দ্ৰ : পুৰন্দৰ , বজ্ৰপাণি , স্বৰ্গাধিপতি। ইতৰ : হীন, অধম। ...


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CLASS 10 : ASSAMESE GRAMMAR : উপসৰ্গ আৰু অনুসৰ্গ : SEBA : H.S.L.C. EXAM QUESTIONS:

উপসৰ্গ আৰু অনুসৰ্গ: 1.H.S.L.C.2008        ক) উপসৰ্গ নাইবা অনুসৰ্গৰ তিনিটা উদাহৰণ দিয়া। উত্তৰ- উপসৰ্গৰ তিনিটা উদাহৰণ :          প্ৰ : প্ৰখ্যাত, প্ৰখৰ             পৰা : পৰাগ, পৰাস্ত        নি : নিকট, নিগম      অনুসৰ্গৰ তিনিটা উদাহৰণ :          তো : আপুনিতো         ও : থাকিলেও         যে : ৰ ‘ লাযে          2.H.S.L.C.2009       ক) উপসৰ্গ কাক বোলে ? উপসৰ্গৰ দুটা উদাহৰণ দি, তাৰ ব্যৱহাৰ    দেখুওৱা। উত্তৰ- যিবোৰ অব্যয়ে ধাতুৰ আগত বহি বিভিন্ন অৰ্থ প্ৰকাশ কৰে, সেইবিলাককে উপসৰ্গ বোলে।      উদাহৰণ : প্ৰ : তেখেত এজন প্ৰখ্যাত ব্যক্তি।             ...


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বাক সংহতি: এটা শব্দত প্ৰকাশ কৰা: 1. H.S.L.C.-2011     ( ক ) কাঁহৰ বাচন গঢ়োঁতা।              উত্তৰ:- কঁহাৰ 2. H.S.L.C.-2012   ( ক ) যি উপকাৰীৰ উপকাৰ স্বীকাৰ কৰে।          উত্তৰ:- কৃতজ্ঞ   ( খ ) মাটিৰ বাচন সাজোঁতা।     উত্তৰ:- কুমাৰ   ( গ ) যাক সহজে লংঘন কৰিব নোৱাৰি।     উত্তৰ:- অলংঘ্য   ( ঘ ) বাটেদি যোৱা     উত্তৰ:- বাটৰুৱা   3. H.S.L.C.-2013   ( ক ) ঘৰতে থাকি কৰিব পৰা উদ্যোগ।     উত্তৰ:- কুটীৰ শিল্প   ( খ ) যাৰ মৰণ নাই।                               উত্তৰ:- আমৰণ    ( গ ) কাঁহৰ বাচন গঢ়োঁতা।          উত্তৰ:- কঁহাৰ 4. H.S.L.C.-2014   ( ক )    যাক পৰ...


বিপৰীতাৰ্থক শব্দ: বিপৰীতাৰ্থক শব্দ লিখা: 1. H.S.L.C. 1999      হৰ্ষ-দুখ, বেদনা      উপকাৰ-অপকাৰ,      স্থাৱৰ-অস্থাৱৰ ,        সম্পদ-অসম্পদ, 2. H.S.L.C. 2000      আৱাহন- বিসৰ্জন      উজনি-নামনি      স্বাধীন-পৰাধীন      দুৰ্বল-সবল 3. H.S.L.C. 2001        জন্ম-মৃত্যু       উদয়-অস্ত 4. H.S.L.C. 2002         অনুকূল-প্ৰতিকূল        জ্ঞানী-অজ্ঞানী        আনন্দ-বিষাদ      আকৰ্ষণ-বিকৰ্ষণ 5. H.S.L.C. 2003      গ্ৰহণ-বৰ্জন      অৱিৰ্ভাৱ-তিৰোভাৱ      প্ৰাচীন-নবীন      উচ্চ-নিম্ন 6. H.S.L.C. 2006       প্ৰশংসা-নিন্দা  ...


সন্ধি: সন্ধি ভাঙা: 1. H.S.L.C-2008       হিতাহিত : হিত+অহিত           অতীন্দ্ৰিয়: অতি+ইন্দ্ৰিয়  2. H.S.L.C-2009     সন্ধি কাক বোলে উদাহৰণ দি বুজাই লিখা ?       উত্তৰ :- দুটা শব্দ জোৰা লাগি বা লগ হৈ এক বিশেষ নিয়মৰ   মাজেদি এটা শব্দ গঠন হোৱা প্ৰক্ৰিয়াৰ নাম সন্ধি ।     উদাহৰণ- নমস্কাৰ :নমঃ+কাৰ              হিমালয় :হিম+আলয় 3. H.S.L.C-2010        সংস্কৃত :সম্+কৃত        অতীন্দ্ৰিয় :অতি+ইন্দ্ৰিয় 4. H.S.L.C-2011        যথাৰ্থ :যথা+অৰ্থ        ইত্যাদি :ইতি+আদি        নীৰৱ :নিঃ+ৰৱ        দেৱৰ্ষি :দেৱ+ঋষি 5. H.S.L.C-2012      পৰীক্ষা :পৰি+ঈক্ষা        হিতাহিত :হিত+অহিত        ...


DETERMINERS: Choose the right determiner from among the alternatives given and fill in the blanks: 1. HSLC - 1998     (a) He received ______ help from his teachers. (many/ much /more)     (b) I can depend ______ friends I have. (few/a few/ the few )     (c) _______ guidance from you will be enough for me. (little/ a little / the little)     (d) My brother is studying in _______ European University. ( a /an/the) 2. HSLC - 1999     (a) He gave away ______ money he had to the beggar. (little/a little/ the little )     (b) ______ of my friends helped me much in my distress. (few/ a few /the few)     (c) I got ______ help from my mother than my father. (much/ more /most)     (d) ______ union leader will address the workers. (a/an/ the ) 3. HSLC - 2000     (a) I received ______ encouragement from my parents. ( much /more/many)  ...


সমাৰ্থক শব্দ: সমাৰ্থক শব্দ লিখা: 1 . H.S.L.C.-2004     পৃথিৱী- বসুন্ধৰা , ধৰিত্ৰী      মেঘ-ডাৱৰ, জলধৰ      ৰাতি-নিশা, ৰজনী      নদী-প্ৰবাহিনী, নৈ 2. H.S.L.C.-2005            কপাল-অদৃষ্ট, ললাট     চকু-নেত্ৰ, নয়ন     হাতী-হস্তী, গজ     আকাশ-গগণ, নভ 3. H.S.L.C.-2007           পৃথিৱী- বসুন্ধৰা , ধৰিত্ৰী           আকাশ-গগণ, নভ 4. H.S.L.C.-2008           ৰাতি-নিশা, ৰজনী        ৰজা-নৰেশ্বৰ, নৃপতি 5. H.S.L.C.-2009       পৃথিৱী- বসুন্ধৰা , ধৰিত্ৰী       নদী-প্ৰবাহিনী, নৈ       চকু-নেত্ৰ, নয়ন       নিশা-ৰাতি, ৰজনী 6. H.S.L.C.-2010     আকাশ-গগণ, নভ     ৰজা-নৰেশ্বৰ, নৃ...